In 2009, Scott and Shantel completed their adoption of a 3-year-old Ukrainian girl named Ludmila. Scott and Shantel have named each of their kids with meaning, so it was only fitting they did the same for their new daughter. Ludmila, meaning loved by the people, officially became Jadyn Ludmila Beck. Jadyn was not only fitting with 2 of their 4 biological children, Jason and Jordyn, but it also means "Jehovah has heard". When they realized this, they knew it had to be her legal name.
Beyond Legal Adoption
Throughout their journey, Scott and Shantel have also come to find that adoption can extend into the surrounding communities as well. About 4 years ago, Cieara, who they now consider a bonus daughter, became part of the clan.
Cieara moved in with the Beck Family during her senior year of high school and quickly fit in. She was originally adopted from India around 18-months old and became best friends with Scott and Shantel's biological daughter, Jordyn.
Scott and Shantel's hope is that through their story of Jadyn and Cieara, you would become encouraged during your adoption process that there is help and hope, inspired to give toward families who are in this difficult journey of adoption, and join them in prayer for the 153,000,000 orphans worldwide.